Friday, December 31, 2021

A Resolution

Many people make a resolution at the beginning of the New Year.  Some people do not because they are afraid that they will not be able to keep the resolution they make.  However, I encourage everyone who reads this article to seriously consider making this resolution: “I resolve to revolve around Christ.”  As you make that resolution, I encourage you to consider a similar resolution the Apostle Paul made when he said, All I want is to know Christ and to experience the power of his resurrection” (Philippians 3:10).

Notice three important aspects of this resolution:

1)    The resolution is singular in purpose“all I want.”  It seems that when making a decision, lots of options could be helpful.  However, when too many options are available, decision-making becomes increasingly difficult.  For example, some fast-food chains purposely limit the items on their menu realizing that too many options often complicate decisions for people.  The Apostle Paul had an earnest desire that excluded everything in his life that was not essential.  At the same time, he was very much aware of those things that were of worth and had value.  How about you?  Are you ready to become singular in purpose in this New Year? 

2)    The resolution has a heavenly focus“to know Christ.”  There is a Christian chorus about a person’s relationship with Christ entitled “The greatest thing in all my life is knowing You.”  The “You” to know, of course, is Christ and that was Paul’s focus.  Notice how the Amplified Bible paraphrases this same verse.  It says, “For my determined purpose is that I may know Him—that I may progressively become more deeply and intimately acquainted with Him, perceiving and recognizing and understanding the wonders of His Person more strongly and more clearly” (Philippians 3:10). How about having the goal of getting to know Christ better this New Year?

 3)    The resolution includes a dynamic encounter“to experience the power.”  When astronauts sit on top of powerful booster rockets which thrust their Space Capsule into orbit, they experience a controlled power that is indescribable.  And yet this man-made power pales in comparison with the fantastic power that is available to the Christian.  Paul calls this resurrection power.  The power of God that brought Christ from the dead is the same kind of power the believer can experience.  In other portions of scripture, it is said that the individual who has a personal relationship with God has “been raised with Christ” (Colossians 3:1).  Are you ready for a dynamic on-going encounter with Christ in this New Year?

May this New Year be a year in which your resolution is to revolve around Christ and may you experience all the wonderful blessings He has in store for you as you get to know Him better and more intimately.

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