Saturday, January 15, 2022

Time to Rest

In the whirlwind of our fast-paced society it is sometimes difficult to stop or even slow down.  However, amid our hectic activity of work and service (no matter how good the service we provide) we need to program rest into our schedule.  Amid a very busy schedule for both Jesus and his disciples He said to them, “Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest” (Mark 6:31).  There was a reason for His request.  Jesus needed rest and His disciples needed rest.  You and I need rest too!  Notice several things about this comment by Jesus. He said:

1)    “Come” – The invitation was a personal calling for the disciples to take action that would lead to what was necessary for them.

2)    “With me” – The source of the invitation was also personal because being with Jesus was where they would gain the most.

3)    “By yourselves” – The exclusivity of being apart from the hustle and bustle of the crowds was important as it would ensure uninterrupted time.

4)   “To a quiet place” – The destination was the only location where their minds and spirits could be calmed.

5)    “And get some rest” – The purpose of this activity was to provide refreshment and relaxation where they would receive strength and renew their energy.

Periodically you and I need to STOP.  We need to stop what we are doing.  We need to stop our work.  We need to stop our activities – even the good activities that we do.  We need to stop worrying.  We need to stop thinking about concerns that weigh us down.  We cannot keep working and serving without rest for our minds, bodies, and spirits.  Here are a few suggestions that may help you put yourself in a position to receive the rest that you need.

1)      Ask God to help you be willing to take the rest that you should and which you need.

2)      Learn how to say “no” to additional work and multiplied activities.

3)      On your day off make sure you take time doing something you do not usually do and which you enjoy.

4)      After your regular work or activity, get in a position where you take time for yourself.

5)      Take a vacation and use all the time that you are allotted.

6)      Focus your mind on something other than your work or the service that you render.

7)      Encourage your spouse or a friend to “come apart…and get some rest” with you.

When you rest, you will be more effective for the work that you do and/or the service that you render.  Just do it!  It’s time to rest.

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