Thursday, April 2, 2020

Handling Fear

Those of you lived through the horrible, tragic events of September 11, 2001 remember the fear that spread through the minds of the people in America.  Most likely fear has been present in your mind during the current COVID-19 virus pandemic.  Many are fearful asking: What will happen to me?  What about my family?  Am I properly sanitizing my home?  Am I staying home?  Am I following the recommendations of the Center for Disease Control?  What about the recommendations of social distancing?  Am I properly washing my hands?  Am I doing all that I can do?

How do people handle fear?  Some people are afraid to do anything.  Others withdraw as if in a cocoon.  Some turn to busyness.  Others turn to habits—be they bad or good.  So, how should we handle fear?  In the Bible, the psalmist offers an alternate solution, which is a far better solution.  He simply said, “When I am afraid, I will trust in you” (Psalm 56:3).  Notice three things from this verse.  (1) There were times when the psalmist was afraid.  (2) The psalmist knew he had to turn somewhere to alleviate his fear. (3) The psalmist identified not just something in which to trust but Someone to trust.  Who is the “you” he mentioned in that Bible verse?  Of course, it is God.  When we are fearful we need to handle our fear the same way the psalmist did.

It is tragic when we turn to something other than the Lord to avoid the pains of reality or cover up a feeling of fear that we are experiencing.  When we turn to God, our Heavenly Father stands ready to help us through our trials, provide the protection we need, and encourages us with His presence and peace.  During these troubling and fearful times, let’s take the advice of the psalmist and trust God.

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