Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Impossible ... Or?

The Bible tells us that when the Israelites left Egypt and were about to cross over the Jordan River to enter the land that God had promised them, they feared many things.  The nations in the land were bigger and stronger than they were.  There were huge cities which were fortified with huge walls.  The inhabitants were so tall they were considered giants.  To the Israelites these things would be impossible were it not for one thing – God would go ahead of them.  With God’s strength, power, wisdom, and His promises He would be with them.  They were still fearful, but God gave them this reminder: “Today know this: GOD, your God, is crossing the river ahead of you” (Deuteronomy 9:3).

The Covid-19 pandemic, unemployment, loss of income, isolation from family members, inability to gather in large groups, and many other things are of great concern to us, or at times cause us to fear.  It seems that some of these things are impossible for us to get through.  What a great comfort and assurance it would be to remember that God goes before us, like He did the Israelites, into this “impossible situation.”  The verse tells us (1) The God of all strength goes with you – “God is”; (2) God is a personal God – “Your God”; and (3) God gets involved when we step out in faith.  “Is crossing … ahead of you.”

Don’t let impossibilities get you down.  Turn to God today and let Him help you as you face those impossible things that confront you today.

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