1) “Grow up into him [Christ]” (Ephesians 4:15). We need to make sure that Christ is the focus of our spiritual growth.
2) “Grow up in your salvation” (I Peter 2:2). Once a person receives Christ by faith, they need to feed on the Word of God (the Bible) for proper growth.
3) “Grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord
and Savior Jesus Christ” (II Peter
3:18). Inactivity will never advance spiritual growth. There must be continuous study to know Christ
better and understand how to progress in the Christian life.
An axiom says that where there is growth, there is life – at least where there is healthy growth there is healthy life. Our spiritual growth takes place in many ways, but to see progressive growth on a regular basis we must be wise in what we do to encourage our growth. Some good questions we need to ask ourselves about our spiritual growth:
1) Am I spending time reading, reflecting and studying the Bible?
2) Do I find myself thinking about ways
to help people as I serve the Lord?
3) Do I live my life in such a way that
it is a godly example for others?
4) Do my actions please God and help
others grow spiritually?
Maybe it is time that each of us take
time for personal examination to make sure we are growing in a manner that
pleases the Lord.
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