Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Using Time Wisely

Those lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer are upon us.  I trust that you have had a great time enjoying the warm weather and the beautiful colors that abound in the summertime.  But summer is almost over.  Well, at least it is already 2/3 over with just the month of August to go. Fall is right around the corner and soon children will head back to school.  I am sure you have heard comments such as: “Time sure flies” and “Where has the time gone?”  Yes, these comments seem to be true.  Maybe that is why the Apostle Paul decided to share important insights about time with the people to whom he was writing.  He said, Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil(Ephesians 5:15-16). In these verses Paul suggests several things:

1)      Pay attention to how you live.  The challenge to “Be very careful” suggests the importance of being alert and cautious about how we act and live.  Wise thought needs to be given to the way we live because time does pass quickly and if we are not sensbile we can live in ways that do not please God.

2)      Be wise in the use of time.  The comparison of “Not as unwise but as wise” becomes a word to the careful person since we can so easily waste our time by letting it escape without accomplishing anything worthwhile or godly.

3)      Make sure to do what is important. The idea of “Making the most of every opportunity” suggests that we ought to seriously consider using our time to focus on things that are positive, purposeful, and productive.  Our activities should benefit God’s kingdom and help people bring glory to God.

4)      Recognize that foolish endeavors can easily emerge. The phrase “Because the days are evil” helps us realize that there is wickedness all around us which can so easily draw us and others into involvement in things which do not please God.

People want, desire, collect, and yes, even demand “things.”  However, once things are accumulated it usually does not take long to discover that those things do not provide satisfaction.  What people need is a right relationship with God.  When people become rightly related to God through personal faith and trust in His Son Jesus Christ, they discover real purpose in living.  With a right relationship with God people will delight in doing things right as well as in doing the right things. When we do things that are right, our actions and attitudes please God.  God is delighted and glorified when we pay attention to the time that He has graciously given to us.  Ask yourself: Am I spending time in God’s Word?  Am I investing my life in people?  Am I allowing God’s Spirit to direct me in living my life for God?  Time does pass quickly.  Let’s use our time wisely.

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