Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Get Ready. Get Set. Give Thanks!

What if you woke up tomorrow with only the things in your possession that you thanked God for today?  If that were the case, what might you have to enjoy or share?  If you are honest with yourself, most likely you could count on one hand what you thanked God for yesterday and probably have some fingers left.  By human nature we are an ungrateful people.  We so easily fall into the rut of thinking that things will be much the same today as they were yesterday, so we get in the “lean back and relax” mode.  If it were not for the grace of God, we would be woefully lacking in many of the necessities of life.

Usually, the Thanksgiving season is the time of year when people express thanks in some manner.  It is good for us to give thanks.  The Bible helps express this importance when the Apostle Paul instructs people to give thanks.  Notice that along with thankfulness, joyfulness and prayer are also included.  He says, Be joyful alwayspray continuallygive thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus (I Thessalonians 5:16-18).   In another place he says, Always giving thanks to God the Father for everything” (Ephesians 5:20).  Look carefully at the qualifications for these three activities.

1)      Joyfulness is to constantly be a part of our lives

2)      Prayer should be made repeatedly

3)      Thanksgiving should be expressed in all situations

According to these verses the giving of thanks is not to be reserved for just one season of the year.  Thanks to God ought to overflow from our hearts and be expressed from our lips every day of the year.  Here are three questions to ask yourself as you work your way through the Thanksgiving season.

 1) Am I joyful always?

2) Do I Pray continually?

3) Do I Give thanks in all circumstances?

Giving thanks should be a daily activity.  Let’s make sure that the fruit of our lips express thanks to God and the actions of our hands and feet show our thankfulness to Him and to others.  Let’s not relegate the giving of thanks to Thanksgiving Day in November.  So, Get ready. Get set. Give thanks!  And – and give thanks again and again.

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