Sunday, September 25, 2011

Seasons and Life

Seasons of the year begin and they end.  You may enjoy one season more than other seasons because you like certain kinds of activities.  Your deepest desire is for your favorite season to stay around a little longer.  However, as much as you hope or wish for a longer season it will regularly merge into the next season.  The writer of Scripture indicates that there are seasons (or times) for various activities.  There is a season for plowing; a season for planting, a season for harvesting; there is a rainy season, a dry season, and a season for enjoying fruit.

Just as there are seasons in our world, there are seasons in our lives.  Some seasons are filled with joy, some with expectation and some contain times of difficulty and discouragement.  It is unrealistic for a person who is a Christian to think that things will always be happy and joyful.  Any one season will change and activities or things that take place in that season will change irrespective of whether someone has put their trust in Christ or not.  Amid the changing seasons, whether in our world or in our lives, one thing does not change.  God says, “For I am the Lord, I change not” (Malachi 3:6).  Scripture says, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever” (Hebrews 13:8).  So, just as the seasons of our earth change and the seasons of  our lives change we can count on the fact that God does not change.  If you want confidence and assurance amid all the changes of life, put your trust in God.  He will not fail you.

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