Monday, September 12, 2011

Absolutely Clear

When I am away from my home or my work computer and something impresses me that I want to remember I quickly make a hand-written note to myself.  I keep the note in my pocket until I can get to my computer and then enter the note and other thoughts.  However, the notes I write to myself sometimes look like a scribbled mess and I can’t read the words that I hurriedly wrote, much less remember the thoughts behind them.

I am so glad that when God wrote to us He did so by making His words very clear and specific.  He never scribbles, but always speaks to the point and allows His intentions to be abundantly clear so we know exactly what He says.  In fact, God’s word is so clear that no one needs to have a higher education degree in order to understand.   The Psalmist said, “Break open your words, let the light shine out, let ordinary people see the meaning” (Psalm 119:130 MSG).  In addition it says, “The revelation of GOD is whole and pulls our lives together.  The signposts of God are clear and point out the right road” (Psalm 19:7 MSG).

Do you want to have understandable and specific direction for your life that is always clear and to the point?  Open a Bible, check the table of contents, and go to the New Testament Gospel of Mark.  Read only a few verses, a paragraph or a chapter at a time.  As you read, ask God to make His words clear so you can understand what He wants you to know and do.  His words are abundantly clear. 

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