Friday, July 1, 2011

Loyalty That Does not Fail

A certain airline advertises a loyalty program where the miles do not expire and can be redeemed anytime in the future.  They use the statement "Loyalty has no expiration date."  Loyalty speaks of trustworthiness, faithfulness, reliability and dependability.  It is great to know that you can depend on certain things or people.  However, from time to time that which is supposed to be trustworthy breaks down or a person who promises to help you neglects to follow through.  Many things in this world will fail you, including some people.  However, I have discovered there is someone who is completely loyal and reliable at all times and will never fail you.  That person is God.  The Bible says, "The Lord is faithful to all his promises" (Psalm 145:13).  Since God is completely loyal and will not fail in all that He promises, why not put your trust in His loyalty program?

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