Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Peace Through Difficulties

None of us need to be reminded that we will have problems in life.  Difficulties may be small, or they may be large, but it goes without saying that we will experience trying times.  Calmness, tranquility, or peace - the opposite of difficulty - are what most people desire.  However, it seems that the harder we try to work through our difficult times the worse they get.  So, where should we turn when problems are heaped upon us?  The Bible says, You [God] will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you” (Isaiah 26:3).

  • According to this verse the “You” refers to God.  That means that calmness of mind and spirit comes directly from Him.  God is the ultimate, divine source of peace.
  • The peace that God gives comes through minds that are “steadfast”.  This means that when our minds are completely committed to God, they are not subject to change and are securely set in place.
  • The way we enjoy God's peace is through personal “trust” in his character, strength, truth and reliability - all of which gives us great confidence.

The New Testament says, “And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:7).  Having God’s peace as we go through difficult times will help us confidently rest in His strength to protect us emotionally (our “hearts”) and mentally (our “minds”).  With God’s peace we will experience a calm assurance because He is in control.  Where does all this come from?  The verse continues to say this happens “in Christ Jesus.”

Obviously, it is always easier to talk about trust than it is to do actually trust.  However, God wants us to move forward in life, and that will happen if we do not stray from putting our trust completely in Him. What difficulty, problem, or concern do you have today, or have you had recently?  Are you trying to figure things out using your own strength?  Why not enjoy the abundant peace that God gives?  Why not rest peacefully in His strong arms of love and care?

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