Monday, February 1, 2021

First of All

If you are like most people you probably have several errands that you need to run or some things that you need to purchase.  In order not to forget, some people make a list of the items they need to purchase and identify the errands that need to be run.  If a list has been made the most important item will usually be located on the top of the list.  The Apostle Paul did something similar when he wrote to his friend Timothy.  He said, “I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone—for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness” (I Timothy 2:1-2).  Notice several things from this verse:

(1) Prayer is of utmost importance.  It is on the top of the list being prefaced by the words “first of all.”

(2) Prayer is expressed in several ways.  These ways include both personal and corporate expression to God using the words – “requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving.”

(3) Prayer is inclusive.  As noted by the words “for everyone” our prayers should be expressed to God for all people including political officials.

(4) Prayer is personal.  It should impact our personal lives and draw us closer to Christ – “that we may live.”  

What this verse suggests to me is that amid the busyness we experience every day, prayer needs to be a vital part of our lives.  We need to pray for everyone we can think of – people in our family, the people with whom we work, neighbors and friends.  And do not forget prayer for schoolteachers, pastors, law enforcement officers, and political leaders.  Maybe you need to pray specifically for someone whom you know that needs to begin a personal relationship with the Lord this year.  Has someone offended you or hurt you?  Pray for them.  Has something not gone the way you expected it to go?  Pray about it.  Have you been discouraged?  Take that to the Lord in prayer.  In every situation remember to “first of all” pray.

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