Over the years the Ford Motor
Company, which was founded in 1903, has had a succession of slogans to entice
people to look at and purchase their products.
In the late 1960s one of the slogans was “Ford has a better idea.” Ford felt that people were looking for a
better idea in transportation, so this slogan would appeal to them.
Although that slogan is not
used today, many people are looking for products and services that are new or
better. If there is something new
it must be better so that is exactly what they want. If something can improve their lives they are all for it. Whatever
is new and improved is attractive, so people jump at the idea and want to
have it for themselves. Since the latest I-Phone must be better, it becomes a
must have. When new cars roll off the assembly
line in the fall people purchase one whether they need one or not. The "better" might turn out to be
a new adventure, new excitement, or even a new marriage.
In Boston, a well-known
businessman once said to Mark Twain, “Before I die, I plan to make a pilgrimage
to the Holy Land. I will climb Mount
Sinai and read the 10 Commandments aloud at the top.” Twain turned to him and replied, “I have a
better idea – why don’t you stay in Boston and keep the commandments.” There is a huge problem when
people constantly look for a better idea or something new. The problem is that they usually look for it in the
wrong place. People usually look at things which are physical or temporal. Temporal things just will not last. Instead, people ought to look for that which is eternal. Eternal things will endure, will not rust, will not corrode, and will not fade away.
In the Bible, the Apostle
Paul identified a new and a better idea.
He said, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ,
the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!” (II Corinthians 5:17). Why is it that he suggests that to be “in Christ” is a
better idea? It is better because when
individuals enter a relationship with Christ they become part of a vital life-sharing
union. Franklin Graham once said,
“Satisfying our desires cannot fill the spiritual longing in the heart.” That is why we need a better
idea - one that is spiritual. That is why we need God. People might say “I
do not just want something better, I want something that is the best – the best that money can
buy. They want the better idea because that will set them
apart from everyone else, give them satisfaction, and put
them on top.
The Apostle John tells us why
God is better. John 3:16 says, “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only
Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” Even though the Bible tells us that “All have sinned
and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23), God has taken the
initiative to provide a wonderful gift for us.
Romans 6:23 tells us this gift is “Eternal
life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” So, God is not only a better idea –
but He is the absolute best idea.
Here is a challenge: Turn to
God today, believe in Christ, put your trust in Him and receive Him into your
life. John 1:12 says, “To all who did receive him, to those who believed in his
name, he gave the right to become children of God.” Why not
participate with God today and take advantage of His better idea?