Thursday, May 21, 2020

In Times of Trouble

Years ago, I was visiting a hospitalized elderly lady from a church I served.  We had a nice conversation and before I left, she asked me to open her Bible and read an article she had placed in it.  As I looked at her Bible I saw that the cover bulged. Opening it I discovered scores of articles which she had cut from various publications and kept for future reading.  I asked her which article she wanted me to read and she said, “The first one just under the cover.”

The article, written by Andrew Murray, was entitled “In Times of Trouble.” When I finished reading she said, “That really encourages me.”  While reading the article I was also greatly encouraged and thought how I could use it to encourage many other people in future visits. After praying with the lady she said that I could borrow the article, make a copy of it, and return it to her the next time I came to visit.

Later, as I served another church, I shared this story and the article with a man who was hospitalized.  He enjoyed the article and when he heard that I planned to share it with others who were going through difficult times he said he would like to print it for me. Having copies of it would allow me to leave a copy with those I visited. The article was based on Psalms 50:15 which says, “I want you to trust me in your times of trouble, so I can rescue you, and you can give me glory.” The article says, “In times of trouble God’s trusting children can say:

First, the Lord brought me here.  It is by His will that I Am in this place.
Next, in that I will rest.  He will keep me here in His love and give me grace in this trial to behave as His child.
Then, God will make the trial a blessing, teach me the lessons He intends me to learn and work in me the grace that He means to give.
Last, in His good time, He can bring me out again; How and when, He knows.

Then I can say: I am here by God’s appointment, in His keeping, under His teaching and for His time.”

It is interesting that the verse on which the article is based describes several things. (1) First, God wants us to trust Him and stay away from things that do not satisfy.  (2)  Second, God wants us to trust Him all the time including during difficulties.  (3)  Third, God knows we will go through difficult times, but He wants to show His power by rescuing us. (4)  And finally, God wants us to give Him the glory because He is the One who is worthy of being lifted high.

Are you going through a troubling time?  My suggestion to you is to follow the instruction from this verse and be encouraged by the article.  Invite God into your life.  Completely relax in Him.  Enjoy the fellowship that He provides for you.  And, rejoice with assurance as you rest securely in His hands.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Confidence Amid Change

Change is something that affects all of us and we often resist it.  In spite of resisting some change there is other change that we personally accept – like purchasing a different home, accepting a new job, moving to another city or state, or getting married.  We readily accept these changes because we have control over them.  Other changes are those that we gradually slide into.  For example, instead of phone calls from friends and family we receive a text which initiates a texting conversation.  Very seldom do we pick up a dictionary or encyclopedia for an answer to a question.  Instead, we pick up our phones and ask “Google.”

There is another kind of change that most people do not like – and that is change that makes things worse for them.  People resist this kind of change because they personally lose control or they face an unknown situation. Peter Senge has wisely said, “People don’t resist change. They resist being changed.”  Most change brings instability.  That is why many people like to know what the boundaries are and be reasonably sure of what will happen.  They want the kind of change on which they can rely and that which gives them confidence during a time of need.

There are two things that I know in which we can be completely confident, and which will never change.  These are – God and God’s Word.  Regarding God, the Bible tells us, “I the Lord do not change” (Malachi 3:6); and, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever” (Hebrews 13:8). These statements give us confidence because we discover that we can always count on God.  He is always there for us.  He will always act in the same way.  And He is the same now as He was years ago and how He will be in the future.  Regarding the Word of God Isaiah 40:8 says, “The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God endures forever.” I Peter 1:25 continues by saying, “The word of the Lord endures forever”. These verses give us the confidence that we can completely rely on God’s Word because it will last when other things change and fade away.  As a result we can be assured of and can fully count on what God’s Word says.

Are you anxious about something that is happening to you or in your world today?  Do you desire stability that gives you confidence, assurance and hope during troubling times? Why not put your trust in that which will never change?  Why not turn to God in simple faith and rest in His promises?  Why not open the Bible and discover what God wants to tell you?  In both God and His Word, you will find strength and steadiness to help you during times of turbulence, uncertainty and doubt.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

God is at Work

Many people who claim to be Christians are aware of a familiar verse in the Bible which says, “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose” (Romans 8:28).  This verse suggests three things: (1) God is at work, He does not stand in the background and leave us on our own.  He doesn’t fold his arms, smile and say, it’s your problem, not mine.  (2) God is at work in all things. When good things happen to us we feel blessed of God and encouraged.  But we forget that when bad things happen to us, God is still at work through them.  (3) God’s work is specifically related to those who love Him.  What a joy it is to know that as God’s children, His love for us is so great that He continues to work.

Could it be possible that God is at work in the Covid-19 pandemic? Does God even know what is going on? Is He aware of what we are going through? How could God allow a pandemic happen where people are getting sick and some are dying? We should be aware that this pandemic has not taken God by surprise.  He is sovereign.  That means that He is the ruler of the Universe and as such He is free and has the right to do whatever he wants to do. Psalm 115:3 reminds us that, Our God is in heaven; he does whatever pleases him.” If God allows a pandemic such as Covid-19, does that mean His desire is to bring harm to us? The answer to that question is found in Jeremiah 29:11 which says, “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” God wants us to succeed, grow and flourish. He doesn't want to hurt, damage or injure us.

So, what exactly is the purpose of Covid-19? To be honest I cannot fully answer that question.  However, I do know that God allows things such as major disasters to get our attention and help us focus on eternal things.  The most important eternal thing for us should be to have a personal relationship (a life-sharing union) with God. It is no secret that as a society we have strayed far from God. A good thing that can come from this pandemic is for us to return to Him.  Maybe God wants us to stop trusting in ourselves, or quit trusting in things, more than we trust in Him. Proverbs 3:5-6 makes it clear, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” This verse reminds us that we need to trust God and whole-heartedly submit to Him.  It also means that we ought to be wary of trusting in ourselves or trusting in what man can do.

What about you?  Are you resting in the fact that God is at work?  Do you trust that God is in control?  Are you aware that God knows what is going on?  Let me remind you again that God is at work.  He is in control and He knows what is going on.  Let’s put our trust in Him and rely on Him to give us strength during this trying time.