Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Father's Day

Many accolades are given to mothers on Mother’s Day during the month of May, and rightly so.  However, we hear very little about fathers on Father’s Day during the month of June.  Look at the Apostle Paul’s instruction in the Bible to all of us about parents.  Ephesians:2-3 simply reminds us to: “Honor your father and mother—which is the first commandment with a promise—that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth.” (Ephesians 6:2-3).  This speaks to both mom and dad; however, let’s focus on three things related to Dad.

1)    We are to honor our father.  The verse says, “honor.”  That means we are to place value upon him, prize him, respect him, and admire him.  Notice that this verse does not say that we are to respect him conditionally – that is, if he is a “good” father then we can give him honor.  Just because our father is who he is, honor is due him.

2)    We are commanded to honor our father.  The verse says to honor is a “commandment.”  In other words, we are to honor our father – not just if he treats us well and does good things for us.  But, we are to honor him simply because God has told us to do so.

3)    The result of honoring our father brings a double blessing.  Notice that the verse says that the blessing includes things “going well with you” and “enjoying a long life.”  When we honor our father it builds him up, it pleases the Lord, and God will bless us in abundant ways.

Make plans now to honor your father – not just on Father’s day, but continually.  Give him the respect that he deserves.  Share something positive with him.  If you need to ask for forgiveness, do it.  If there are some unresolved issues between you, go to your father and ask for forgiveness.  If you father is no longer living, thank God for him.  If there were some unresolved issues that were not resolved before his death, ask God to forgive you.  Make Father’s Day, and each day of the rest of the year, a time to honor your father.

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