Sunday, August 21, 2016

The Work of Preparation

Most everyone knows that Olympic athletes don’t just show up at an event, participate, stand on the podium, and get a metal hung around their neck. To receive a metal takes much more than that. Hours, days, weeks, months, and years go into preparation and training.  Each athlete puts himself through a rigorous training regimen, all with the ultimate goal of Olympic gold.  Sometimes I’m afraid people approach living the Christian life without much thought of spiritual preparation or training. The Bible says, “Bodily exercise is all right, but spiritual exercise is much more important and is a tonic for all you do.  So exercise yourself spiritually, and practice being a better Christian because that will help you not only now in this life, but in the next life too” (1 Timothy 4:8, LB).  Why not take time now to prepare and train yourself spiritually so you can be all you need to be for the cause of Christ?

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Being Connected

On a recent vacation when I was out of range of Wi-Fi or did not have a proper password for a local hotspot, I discovered how important it is to be connected.  Not having the connection when I desired it, or thought I needed it, was frustrating.  Since I did not have a source of power, I was hindered in my effectiveness.  This situation reminded me of how important it is to be connected spiritually.  If we do not tap into God and experience His divine source of power we are hindered in our spiritual development and become ineffective.  It is so easy to think that we can get along quite nicely without God, but when we do so we actually deceive ourselves and lose the effectiveness that we should have.  The Bible reminds us that, “His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness (II Peter 1:3).  Being connected with God gives us much more than human strength; it gives us God’s divine power that is so necessary to live a fruitful life that pleases Him.  Are you connected to God’s spiritual energy source?  (Check out John 1:12)

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Dog Days

As we enter the month of August with its hot, muggy days you may occasionally hear someone talk about the “dog days of summer.”  These days have nothing to do with dogs, but are usually described as the period between early July and early September when hot, sultry weather occurs in the Northern Hemisphere and the water in lakes and ponds stagnates.

I’m wondering if you have ever experienced spiritual dog days in your life?  These are days when spiritual things seem stagnant in your life and there is little, if any activity for the Lord.  At those times you begin to wonder if God is near or if He is concerned about you.  Maybe you have wandered away from the Lord and allowed your attention to be placed on things or activities rather than on God Himself.  When Dr. Luke wrote the book of Acts he recorded a sermon that was delivered by the Apostle Peter.  In this sermon, Peter suggested that the people to whom he was writing may have been going through spiritual dog days.  He said, “Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord” (Acts 3:19).

Maybe you are experiencing a “dry spell” or “dog days” in your spiritual life or have never taken time to ask for God’s forgiveness and receive Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord.  Notice that according to this verse: (1) You can be refreshed; (2) The refreshment comes from a divine source—the Lord; and (3) The time of refreshment begins as you repent and turn to God.  Why does refreshment come to an individual when he or she turns to God in simple faith and trust?  The answer is because your sins are forgiven.  When this happens it is possible for you to have a personal, ongoing, intimate relationship with the Lord.  Why not turn to the Lord today and allow your spiritual dog days to be replaced with God’s divine refreshment?