Friday, March 23, 2012

Against the Impossible

When the Israelites left Egypt and concluded the time that God led them through the wilderness they were about ready to cross over the Jordan River to enter the Promised Land (Deuteronomy 8:1-2).  God had promised the land to them but it was noted that when they entered the land they would encounter that which looked impossible.  In the land they would find nations that were much bigger and stronger than they were.  They would find huge cities with fortified walls that would be impossible to penetrate.  They would also be approached by the inhabitants who were so tall they were considered giants against whom no one could stand.  To the Israelites all of this would be impossible were it not for one thing – God would go ahead of them.  With His strength, with His power, with His wisdom, and with His promises He would be with them.  After alerting the Israelites to all of the potential problems God gave them this reminder.  “Today know this: GOD, your God, is crossing the river ahead of you” (Deuteronomy 9:3).

What seems impossible that you must confront today?  Is it something that is bigger and stronger then you?  Is it something that seems impenetrable?  Is it something against which you feel you cannot stand?  What a great comfort and assurance it would be to know that God goes before you into your “impossible situation.”  Notice a few things about the reminder that God gave.  First, The God of all strength goes with you.  “God…is”.  Second, God is a personal God.  “Your God.”  Third, God gets involved when you step out in faith.  “Is crossing ahead of you.”

Don 't wait until you get into an impossible situation to turn to God. Turn to Him today and let Him help you as you face that which seems impossible.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

An Opportunity for Service

What comes to your mind when you drive by a nursing home or an assisted living facility in the community in which you live?  Maybe nothing comes to your mind.  Or maybe you think “Those poor people.  I sure hope my kids never put me in a place like that.”  I would suggest that these homes are filled with opportunities – opportunities for you and me to serve others.  You might argue, “But, I can’t do anything.  I wouldn’t know what to do.”  Think about this:
  • Can you read?  That’s wonderful.  Come and read to me.  I can’t see well enough to read any more.
  • Can you write?  That’s fantastic.  Come and write a note for me.  I can’t hold a pen in my hand and I would like to share my greetings with someone I love.
  • Can you walk?  Beautiful.  Come and push my wheelchair to different rooms where I live or outside if it is warm.
  • Can you hear?  Wow.  Come and listen to some stories I have to share.
  • Can you sing?  Wonderful.  Come and sing to me and I’ll follow along as best I can.
  • Can you play dominoes or checkers.  That is great.  Come and play with me because many do not take the time.
  • Can you talk?  Good deal.  Come and tell me about your family and your work.
Remember, the senior adults who live in these communities are people.  They have contributed to society and have made a difference in this world.  Where they live is “home” and you are invited to come.  Come and do what you can.  Some day you may live in one of these communities and you will certainly want someone to come to spend some time with you.  As you come remember these words from the Bible, “Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers” (Galatians 6:10).