Monday, January 30, 2012

Getting Slowed Down

One week ago I was slowed down considerably but learned some valuable lessons in the process.  It wasn’t the path that I would have chosen, but it transpired anyway.  How?  On my way out of work I slipped on ice and fell on my shoulder.  The pain was intense and I felt I had broken a bone.  After a trip to the Doctor’s Office, x-rays and discussion with an orthopedic surgeon, I was informed that I had an AC Separation.  Nothing was broken but I did need to have my arm in a sling and get some rest.  As a result of the accident, I have learned a number of things.

1)      Healing takes time.
2)      Extra rest is needed to stimulate the healing process.
3)      It is OK to ask others for help you when you need it.
4)      Modern technology and technicians are wonderful.
5)      Patience is necessary because others are not always able to help at a moment’s notice.
6)      Being slowed down gives you opportunity to reflect – particularly on what is really important including God, His Word and family.
7)      In spite of pain and inconvenience contentment is possible.

The last lesson reminds me of the Biblical expression of the Apostle Paul who said, “I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances” (Philippians 4:11).  To be content is to be happy, to be satisfied or to be at ease.  Notice that contentment is something that needs to be learned.   So far, through this incident, I have experienced contentment.  I was at ease, even when headed to the medical facility with the possibility of a broken bone and surgery.  God allowed me to be satisfied that He would take care of me, no matter what the outcome.

Maybe we need to slow ourselves down and learn the lessons that God may want to teach us without waiting for an emergency to slow us down.

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