The word “image” comes from a
Latin word that means “to copy or imitate.” That is exactly what a mirror does. In addition, “image” has been expanded to mean a vivid representation or
description. It has also come to mean a characteristic
about how an individual is perceived by other people. Our personal image is what sets us apart from
other people. It is important that the
image we portray is a good image because it helps others feel that we are trustworthy,
desirable as a friend or an employee, and more complete as a worker or a leader.
A Christian is a person whose personal image is extremely important – not just to make him or her look good, but to provide a positive message about the Lord whom they represent, worship, and serve.
H. B. London of Focus on the
Family wrote this about image:
people imagine in their minds about your ministry and the environment in which
you minister does make a difference. The
way your office looks when people come to visit, makes a difference. How you look, makes a difference. How you treat people, makes a
difference. How your family is
perceived, makes a difference. The
sermons you deliver, make a difference.
How the non-Christian world sees you as you walk through the village,
makes a difference. What you think of
yourself, makes a difference.”
I would add to the above that your personal image includes who you are, what you say, and how you act. Matthew refers to image when he says, “In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven” (Matthew 5:16). Our image should:
1) Be bright
as a light that illuminates – “Let your light shine”
2) Be Constantly
shown to others – “before men”
3) Reflect
the good things we do – “see your good deeds”
4) Point
people to God – “praise your Father in heaven”
Our personal image is something we need to take seriously. What image do you portray before people? Are your words and your actions making a difference for the cause of Christ? Maybe we ought to examine ourselves and make sure that the image we portray does not turn people away from Christ but directs them to our wonderful Lord.