When it comes to spiritual things it might be appropriate to say that school is always in session. None of us will ever outgrow our need for education and learning about spiritual matters. Ezra, the Old Testament priest, set the example for learning about God and growing as explained in Scripture. “For Ezra had devoted himself to the study and observance of the Law of the Lord, and to teaching its decrees and laws in Israel” (Ezra 7:10).
This verse suggests three aspects that characterized Ezra’s life which should also characterize ours as well.
1) Specific Focus. “Devoted” should be the task when Scripture is studied. In addition, the study of God and His Word should be a priority. We need to fully embrace God’s Word, have a strong love for it, and be focused on it. Our commitment should be to learn all we can about God and His Word.
Personal Application. The outcome of biblical study should be the “observance” of the Word
of God. To observe means much more than
simply acquiring knowledge about God.
To observe means to put into practice in daily living.
Continued Involvement. “Teaching” God’s Word to others needs to be an ongoing responsibility of all who study the Bible. Whether you have the title of "teacher" or not, you teach by what you say and how you act. In spite your age, God’s Word, when applied to life provides guidance and direction for you and for others.
Where are you when it comes to God’s Word? Remember, your life is an example to others. Are you devoting yourself to the study and observance of God’s Word? My suggestion for you today is to take time to review the above verse. Ask yourself, “What does God want me to do as I study God’s Word and apply it to my life?” Don't forget that when it comes to Christian living, school is always in session. Why? Because there is always more to learn and put into practice. Your life will teach others.