These verses tell us that God’s Word is basic for Christians. We need the fundamentals of Scripture for Christian faith and for daily living. Notice some specifics from these verses:
1) We can have confidence in God’s Word. It can be counted on in all kinds of
2) We
need to listen carefully to God’s Word. In fact, Scripture is so important that we would “do well to pay attention to it.”
3) God’s
Word is a light for guiding us when things seem unclear. It provides direction like “a light shinning in
a dark place.”
4) God’s
Word originates with and has its source in God, Himself. What is written in the Bible is not just “the prophet’s own
interpretation” but it is “from God.”
Therefore, God Word is completely dependable. This fall is a great time for all of us to
open our Bibles and get “back to the basics.”