Saturday, July 22, 2017

What You Say

Have you ever had one of those moments when you think, “Wow!  I didn’t realize that what I said made that much difference”?  It happened to me some time ago.  I received a telephone call from a man whom I had only talked with briefly one time in the past.  He worked in elderly care, as I did, lived in another state, and was not part the organization for which I worked.  Near the end of our telephone conversation he said, “Before we hang up I just want you to know what an impact you have had on my ministry.”  I began to listen wondering what I had said or done that had made a difference. He went on to remind me that our previous conversation I mentioned a friend in a similar ministry whom I felt may be of help to him.  After returning home he called my friend and talked for nearly an hour.  He went on to say, “If it wasn’t for your comment I would have never made the contact and been helped in my ministry. Thank you for that contact.”  After the call ended I reflected on our conversation.  His comment reminded me of a truth I have known for a long time – and that is, what we say does make a difference.  The Bible says, “Be gracious in your speech. The goal is to bring out the best in others in a conversation, not put them down, not cut them out” (Colossians 4:6, Message Translation).  God can use us (even our speech) for His glory.  Remember: What you say – does make a difference.