1) Urgent Action. They hurried. They quickly obeyed the word of the angel and the company of heavenly hosts who told them of the Lord’s birth.
Discovery. And found. Their search was richly rewarded as
they sought and found the Christ-Child in the manger.
Observation. Seeing him. Reality set in when they came to the
manger and actually saw Jesus, just as they were told by the angel.
4) Immediate Proclamation. Told everyone. In spite of their lowly, often despised job, these men of action quickly shared the good news with others.
Don’t go through the Christmas season without having a
manger experience. You may not
experience the smells, but you can certainly see Jesus, tell others about him,
and spend time worshipping Him. The Old
Testament prophet said, “You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your
heart” (Jeremiah 29:13). “Seeing Him” was not only an event for the
shepherds, but the manger experience can be your experience. Have you had the manger experience yet?